In addition to tours of our facilities and observations of key elective classes, we offered the students the opportunity to voice their thoughts/concerns.
We gave them a google survey to let us know what " A good teacher will" do.
See the survey...
We used their voice to create this wordle.
On a projector, the students used their own devices and accessed (live for a bit longer at to inform us about what "A good student will" do.
On laptops, students could post a sticky at to give us information about how we could help them adjust to SJAM.
Our last station was a large paper for a marker graffiti activity... we asked "what clubs and Activities would you like to do when you come to SJAM?" I will post some images soon...
One more school... tomorrow. I will update all of our info after that! :)
This has been a great experience!
All of this info will go a long way to inform our activities in the new school year.