Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Exploring Options...

Hard to believe more than a month has passed since #ISTE14.

I had such a great experience in Atlanta and I learned so much.  I cannot wait to share with my colleagues when I return to school.

Things I would like to share:
1) Nearpod
2) Kahoot
3) Peardeck
4) Class Dojo

Other things on my mind:
google classroom and GAFE

While in Atlanta, I made some great connections at ISTE as well.  In fact today, I spoke with Lee Lindsey from about a possible pilot of their exciting adaptive math program for young teens.  I look forward to previewing this material next week.

Later today, I look forward to a Google Hangout with a Nearpod representative.  we hope to share ideas about how best to use Nearpod in math class.

A week ago, I had the opportunity to re-share my ISTE presentation with some tech leaders at UNC-Charlotte.  This was super learning for me as we met in a google hangout.  What a great way to communicate and demonstrate tools and activities!