Friday, October 9, 2009

co-planning and co-teaching

I have had a very exciting week co-planning with numerous teachers in our district. I am continually impressed with the variety of directions that these planning sessions take. Teachers really seem to appreciate the time to get together and come up with a lesson that utilizes some "new" or different strategies. I am particularly excited that I have the opportunity to work with them so that they may feel more comfortable taking on a new approach.

Stations, learning centres, SMARTboards, laptops, software, internet, web2.0, concrete manipulatives, etc, etc.
Together we are investigating lots of engaging opportunities for our students with the hope that student learning and student engagement will improve.

I have to say that at first I was apprehensive about the position of "math facilitator". Now that I have had a few months in the role - I am excited about where our math teachers are willing to go if given the time and resources!

More later.... :)

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