Monday, December 17, 2012

Explore, Excite and Engage

Explore all your learning opportunities...
I am so pleased to be learning so much about the iPad, my new Mac and iBooks Author. Taking advantage of these explorations energizes me  in my teaching career. I look forward to creating custom iBooks for my math classes.  Already working on a trigonometry unit...

Excite yourself and others...
I am so excited to continue my learning.  I am so excited to share that learning.
Get excited - share the love of learning.

Engage your learners... whomever they may be
I strive to engage my learners - children, teens or adults. As a teacher, I am excited about learning and i will continue to seek out strategies to engage even the most reluctant learners.  You know the ones.. lets's say students taking MFM2P.
Lifelong learning is a worthwhile pursuit - no matter your age or occupation.

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